Lots of wiring done. And I do mean lots. All the Extra 12v Brain wires, the 240v charger wires, the 120v battery feed wires, and I ain’t started on the main power cables yet!

(Left). This is the charger unit. (240V mains to 120v battery voltage)
Contractor box in situ. (right)
Cooling pump (for the brain) and aux-rear-fusebox. (Below)

Earlier I think I mentioned a Prius throttle pedal. Didn’t sit in the right place. So this is a Subaru WRX throttle, cut and modded to be where I want it.
So the next news is that the battery boxes have arrived- trial-fittling them for mountings. And main cables are going to go through the centre-tunnel. Holes drilled and ready.
Meanwhile, the BMS looms will have to get made somehow…